Monday, October 12, 2009

The Great 'fire'Wall of China

As you might have noticed, it has been 3 weeks since my last post. This was due to the Chinese government systematically shutting down all of the free proxy servers. They did this to prevent communication to the outside world during their National Holiday. Any sites dealing with freedom of expression- blogs, facebook, etc- are all blocked because the government does not want people writing about China in any negative light. The government insists on controlling information and therefore many sites are blocked, especially any news sites that might not show China at its absolute best. Expats living in this country have no choice but to throw their fists up at Hu Jintoa (current leader) and buy an outside service.

I am now the proud owner of a VPN, which allows me to get on any site I want because I have an american IP address. The Great Wall of China was built to keep enemies from harming the people. The Great 'fire'Wall of China was created to keep 'bad' information from getting to the people. However, history repeats itself- the Hun army made it past the defenses of the Wall and so now Facebook has made it through the 'fire'Wall! muwahahahahah I attack* from within... (*dear chinese government, please note this is a joke- do not arrest me!)