Friday, August 28, 2009

First Week in China...

I arrived a week ago in Beijing, after a 14 hour plane flight, with no clue what I was getting myself into. With only the ability to say ‘hello’ in Chinese, I set off on my 5 month stay in this country. Thankfully, my friend Sean met me for a brief introduction to the country before I found myself thrown in a car traveling 130 km/hr to my teaching site of Tianjin.
Sean In Tiananmen Square- Everything is under construction for the 60th anniversary celebration of Communism in October

After that crazy ride, I spent two days sleeping and living off of nature valley bars and peanut butter. I was just so exhausted from the flight and lack of sleep while in Beijing to do anything. Finally, I emerged from my hibernation to go to the ‘body doctor’, which had to be done to validate my working visa. This had to have been the most efficient, yet scary, experience so far. I was sent running, literally running, from one room to another getting poked, prodded, and scanned.

I Am A Yuan'naire!! j/k I was reimbursed for my flight haha

I have been checking out this city where I will be living and am getting used to the fact that I am constantly stared at (I feel like I am treated like a cross between a celebrity and a social pariah...oh joy). The most fun I have had is grocery shopping, because I have no idea what the packages say and what I eat is basically a mystery. Also, they have the weirdest flavored things: texas beef, italian meat sauce, lychee, and stewed chicken are some potato chip flavorings I have found. What a feast for my palette...eeks!

Blueberry and Mango Flavored Potato Chips...yummmm?!

The Street I Live On In Tianjin