Saturday, August 29, 2009

The ground is dirty

Ok, so this just seems like an obvious statement, but hear me out: The ground in China is DIRTY. You often read about in chinese tour books how spitting is an issue that the government is trying to curb its citizens from doing because westerners find it disgusting. However, what you do not read about in tour books is how it is perfectly acceptable to pee or poop on the street. This is especially true with children. Parents just squat on the ground with the kids and just let them go. No need for a diaper when there is perfectly good asphalt around, I guess.

As a result, the country fears touching the street. You do not just sit on the ground- you either squat or put newspaper down. Therefore, when waiting for a subway or in line, you see a whole bunch of chinese just squatting around. This of course makes me stick out even more for I am left the only one standing. I might try attempting this squatting pose in the future, but I am afraid I might loose my balance and end up on the dirty ground...


Jen it is the same way here in Africa, pee anywhere. The crouching on the ground too. The only difference is that you have pavement and we have DIRT!! Ha Ha ohh and I can do the crouching thing now!!!

TMI !!