Sunday, May 9, 2010

Shameless Flirt... The Art of Bargaining

My mother, Tootles, came to visit during the Easter holiday. It was an amazing trip and I was able to see some new parts of China- Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou. For my mom, it was a stress free trip since I handled all the reservations, flights, money, and bargaining.

Understanding the Art of Bargaining is essential to living in China because there are no set prices on any goods. This can be VERY frustrating because once the merchants see your white face coming, the prices go up... way up!

It is important to realize three things:
1) Never appear too interested in something. You have to be willing to give up if the seller does not match the price you think it is worth
2) it is always WORTH less than you think it is (this is china... land of fakes and cheap labor)
3) the seller would never sell you something unless they are making a profit- they often try and tell you that you are getting it for less than they paid for it hahah yeah right

Once you understand those three facts, then comes the fun part of using your charm. My mother witnessed firsthand my shameless tactics... I FLIRT! Yep, I bat my eyelashes and look sad and say I can not afford what they ask because I am a poor teacher. Basically, I make a fool out of myself and the merchants love it... therefore giving me a large discount. I managed to get a table runner for my mother that originally was 180rmb down to 30rmb. Also, some "Rolex" watches that were originally 100rmb each instead managed to bargain and get them 2 for 40rmb. The rolex showdown was with a woman, so instead of flirting, a lot of arm waving around worked best.

Tootles was shocked by my behavior but it got her what she wanted- great wall t-shirt, rolex watch, and a panda bookmark. Plus, she couldn't stop laughing.